Being Mindful of Your Negative Thoughts Can Help Your Child

Being Mindful of Your Negative Thoughts Can Help Your Child

If we can look at how we are suffering, and how others are suffering as well, it can humble us.

In confusing times, in these epidemics,  there are many families struggling just like you—struggling to create the safest, healthiest, bet world for their child. We are all in this together.

This compassion we can feel for others, we must apply to ourselves, and to our child. How can we not add to the burden of pain and shame we may feel? How can we lighten the load for ourselves? For our child? For others?

  Erasing shame and guilt from our lives is not easy. We must be vigilant. Watchful those negative thoughts that are affecting how you think about yourself and how those feelings are reflected to your child. Another word that is being used a lot lately for vigilance is mindfulness. Mindfulness can be learned and practiced. Just like shame and guilt are learned and practiced. You can practice the next two exercise alone and then, once you build your confidence, teach them to your child.

  Here are a few things we can do to help us become more mindful of our negative thoughts:

—We do this by first starting to connect with what is going on with our body and how we feel.

—Just observing. Not making judgments.

—Listen to your inner dialog.

—What is she saying?

—How does it make your throat feel?

—How does it make your stomach feel?

—How does it make your heart feel?

—When a negative thought rises up or shouts at you, draw a circle around it in your head as you take a big breath in.

—Then tie a string around it, then let it float away as you exhale deeply.

—Watch the balloon float out of your body—goodbye bad feelings—good bye negative thoughts—goodbye shame—goodbye guilt.

Here are a few things we can do to help us become more mindful of our positive thoughts:

—We do this by first starting to connect with what is going on with our body and how we feel.

—Just observing. Not making judgments.

—Listen to your inner dialog.

—What is she saying? ?

—Focus on what is feeling good in your mind or your body

—Draw a heart around it in your head as you take a big breath in.

—As you exhale deeply push the heart down from your head into your throat then to your heart as you exhale—sending your goodness out into the world.

—Touch your head, say aloud “Kind thoughts”

—Touch your lips, say aloud “Kind words”

—Touch your heart, say aloud “Kind heart”

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