I enjoy working with creative, entrepreneurial leaders with a compassionate management style and a strong history of developing innovative ideas into effective well-funded social impact models.

I am the part-time Executive Director of the Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients at George Washington University. I have directed the NYS Center for Best Practices to Prevent Childhood Obesity, evaluated the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s children’s school wellness programs, and evaluated Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program. I enjoy working with enthusiastic teams on complex health programs. I am also trained in pediatric ethics with a focus on pediatric obesity interventions. 

I hold an MS in Bioethics from Albany Medical College, an MPH from the State University of New York, and a BA from Columbia University in Liberal Arts.

My blog for Psychology Today, Children at the Table is where I post the about child trauma, bullying, and obesity prevention.

Specialties: Public Health, Monitoring and Evaluation, Global Health, Mixed Methods Research, Childhood Obesity Prevention, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, Research and Writing, and Bioethics (pediatrics as it pertains to childhood obesity interventions and end-of-life).

My portfolio of work includes start-ups and non profit organizations that are working with the latest technology to improve health outcomes, prevent cancer,  and prevent type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses. What I have enjoyed most about these projects is working with visionaries who have the skills, knowledge, and experience to bring innovative solutions to population health challenges that are costing us billions of dollars. At the forefront of these new technologies and programs are CEOs that I have had the pleasure of working with and learning from that include:  Akerei Marasala Thomson, CEO, Trust MYRIVR;  Elia Chan, CEO, MYRIVR Technologies; Crystal Brown, CEO, Healthiest Inc.; Ken Kronquist, CEO, Health Mentor Inc.; Megan Conroy, CEO , Capture Proof Inc.; Nora LaTorre, CEO, Eat REAL; Sy Lagaaia, CEO, Survivor Watch; Pamela Pine, CEO, Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse;  and Colin Brackenridge, CEO, Fanzland, PTY LTD

I continue to  support their efforts and work to identify  resources needed to make our communities healthier, happier, and more equitable. Please check out their work and feel free to contact me with any questions or if you would like to learn more about how to invest in these innovative and promising programs.